


Sex, violence and death, is the school ready to talk about them?

It is not a secret that these three topics I chose from the eternal list I could write, are three of the toughest topics to deal with children, and it is evident that  when it is needed to discuss them, nobody dares to take the responsibility. There are many people who defend the idea that school should not be in charge of these duties because they are not part of the main function of school and beyond, it is the family who should attend these problems and get to form children from home. Nevertheless, is not the school whashing its hands of this trouble? Does this position hide an Education Department's apathy and incompetence attending these matters, and as a result of that lack of policies directed to manage this situation and teachers wrong prepared for dealing with challenges such as them? How could school treat this situation? and are actually the families the unique responsibles of this part of children's formation? Who must explain a child what an homosexual relationship or what pregnancy implicates? Who must guide a child when he faces a close death?  The discussion is open.

8 comentarios:

  1. in my opinion, the school has the great responsibility of providing an education that covers the intellectual and social children´s needs. Fot that reason it is necessary that the school teaches about issues as fundamental as sex, violence and death. Even the Constitution of Colombia, together with the Education Code, in some of its articles promote education as a guide that encourages respect for fundamental rights, among which is the right to life. Sex, violence and death are involved with this right. On the other hand, the same articles determines that both, the family and society are responsible for the education of children.The three agencies work together to get a good result, otherwise it is impossible that one can make to prevent many problems that come from these issues.

  2. Self-esteem must be stimulated at home and at school, pretending to avoid many disorders according to irresponsible sexual relations, violence and death in students.
    Of course there are the biggest responsabilities at home, but talking about Education, school must work so hard on curricula that develop topics relationed with emotional intelligence. I think that polishing this kind of intelligence make us available to face many situations and have fitting reactions. The problem is not how to teach birth control techniques and so on, but to teach how to deal with the own feelings and emotions that drive the students to act in a determined way.

  3. Anamaria Sandoval Luna
    Self-esteem must be stimulated at home and at school, pretending to avoid many disorders according to irresponsible sexual relations, violence and death in students.
    Of course there are the biggest responsabilities at home, but talking about Education, school must work so hard on curricula that develop topics relationed with emotional intelligence. I think that polishing this kind of intelligence make us available to face many situations and have fitting reactions. The problem is not how to teach birth control techniques and so on, but to teach how to deal with the own feelings and emotions that drive the students to act in a determined way.

  4. Julian, those topics in this moment are a taboo between the school specially the teachers and of course the family. Nowadays we can find people who thinks that the school is the most important part of the education but we cannot forget that the family has an interesting part because is there when a child begins to learn about life and is there when they built his personality.
    We live in a country which has many problems and the school makes part of those problems. The teacher has a difficult work and I don't know if I am a romantic but a good way for changing the present could be teaching and our work is to try it...

  5. I think it is important to say that nobody wants to undertake this kind of eventualities, but against the impending problems and the danger they represent for our students, we must be prepared and not try to escape these responsabilities. Obviously we can not carry on our back all the weight that involves the orientation of these little people who are in training at our expense, because it is an activity that must be performed in conjunction with the family, for this reason as teachers
    we have to create strategies to establish a good comunication between the two sides and in this way we can make the formation of our students is an integral process,it is to say, they may have not only an academic preparation but also a preparation in all aspects of the life of a human being and those who demand our society.

    Lizeth Murillo

  6. With the pass of time, this situation has become in a normal topic, it is not at all a controversial topic for discussing at the schools with the students. We are obligated to manipulate this kind of problems, I mean, we cannot resolve all the problems, and in a classroom with 40 or more student, that it makes more difficult. As teachers, we can promote debates and place of discussion with the guys. The violence, sex and death are an inseparable, unbreakable chain, for example, if a kid doesn’t have money, food, he will steal for surviving. In this kind of situation we find the last topics mentioned. So, we have to know, to give a good temporally solution, because in one year we cannot obtain the best results. At that time, it is not easy our job, profession, and the thing that we lovest in this world. It is a stupid idea that education offers of each one of the students and the teachers also.

  7. Many things have changed during these last twenty years, and we should accept that parents have the main responsability for their children. Some of them consider that teacher are magical people who do many thing such as talk the students about their responsabilities, change their behaviour done at home, and so on. Teachers are only guides and parents must be care of them all time and give them not only things and money but also so much love.

  8. Definitely those topics are quite controversial when talking to school and its dealing with them.
    But it is very important that school begin to treat these topics as part of the ethical and moral formation of the students, as well as the valuable information you can give them regarding how to deal with those issues, what are them about or what is their opinion of them.
